Monday, April 19, 2010

Little Neck Bay 2010 (Ⅱ)

I fished in the Little Neck Bay last Saturday and Sunday. The high tide came at around 1:45 pm and 2:30 pm respectively, so I started fishing after lunch both days.

Saturday was cloudy. I caught a small bass around 4 o'clock.

Sunday was cloudy too, but once in a while the sun came out.
On this breezy day, the water was rough. The wave stirred up the mud in the bay bottom and the water became cloudy.
I saw only bait fishermen caught small basses. We, the fly and lure fishermen caught nothing.

I thought maybe the cloudy water limited a fish's sight, so it had to rely on smell.

However, a fly fisherman on a boat caught a few basses and was not far away from where I stood.
Then I cannot come up with an explanation why I and other lure fishermen could not catch any fish. The reason cannot be cloudy water or distance.

The only explanation I have maybe there are still some hidden factors that I have not yet known.

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