Rockaway Point is one of the best places for fishing stripped bass and blue fish around the city.
I saw some fishermen catch large fish at the tip of the jetty in Rockaway Point, so I tied a fly especially for fishing there.
The Diving Bunker is a large fly for large fish and weighted heavily, so it will sink quickly and deeply.
Unfortunately I didn't have any chance to fish at the tip of the jetty this season.
I went to Rockaway Point several times, but most of the times the wave was too high to go to the tip.

When the condition was good, the tip was crowded with fishermen.

When the condition was good, the tip was crowded with fishermen.
I, a two-handed fly rodder, need some space for casting, so I had to give up fishing there and just fishing in the mid-section of the jetty.
This Diving Bunker has never caught any fish, but I dream it will catch a big fish one day.
I think when you believe in a fly and use it often, it will catch fish eventually. This is one of the point of views about fly fishing, isn't it?
The hooks are Timco 600sp size 8/0. They are large hooks to be wound with a lot of lead wire.
Tie the yak hair the same way as Puglisi fly.
Apply Softex to the head part to make the foundation for the eyes.
Trim the body hair.

Wind a 10-inch length of .035 lead wire to the bend of the hook, then apply super glue on it.
Place the eyes and apply the epoxy over them.
Apply a thin coat of clear silicone to the body of hair around the hook to prevent it from tangling the hook.