I found a convenient way to connect the shooting head with the running line from this home page: (www.geocities.jp/hisuycast/A-menu.html)
Depending on the fishing situation, I need to change the shooting head sometimes. I used to use the loop to loop connection to connect the shooting head with the running line. It was quite troublesome. I had to push the shooting head through the running line loop all the way to the end.
The way I found is basically making a small loop using a piece of backing line ( I call it the connection loop) to make the connection between the shooting head and the running line.
The followings are the step by step procedures:

Make a noose of the running line:
1) Make a knot near the end of the running line.
2) Tie the running line with a piece of backing line as the illustration above.

A noose is made.

Make a connection loop:
1) Take a piece of backing line, double it and double it again.
2) Make a knot at the end.

Use the connection loop to connect the shooting head and the running line:
1) Fasten the connection loop with the shooting head loop using loop to loop connection.
Make sure the knot of the connection loop is at the loose end.
2) Put the connection loop into the noose of the running line.

Tighten the noose. The connection is done.
To disconnect the connecion loop from the running line:
Pinch the end of the running line and then pull while holding the connection loop with the other fingers. This will make the noose loosen.